Coarse dust filters are designed to ensure better air quality in the environment than that taken outside. Their goal is not only to eliminate large particles but also the so-called natural allergens
Coarse dust filters: how they work
Inside environments, especially in those with a high concentration of dust, it is important to ensure a healthy work environment, ensure safety and prevent damage to the health of workers. The coarse dust filters work thanks to a filter media that retains the particles within its structure. To calculate the effective efficiency of coarse dust filters, a gravimetric test is performed, where the filtration index is given by the quantity of the mass of dust deposited in the filter, compared to the quantity injected into the air flow. This index is referred to as arrestance. To maintain optimal air quality, it is necessary to periodically replace the filter elements, avoiding washing them so as not to change the structure of the filter media
Coarse dust filters: the difference between synthetic fiber cell and metal mesh cell
The coarse dust filters can be made with a flat or corrugated cell to increase the filtering surface:
- Synthetic fiber: the polyester filter media of which the filters are made has the property of high efficiency and is able to retain large particles inside.
- Metal mesh: in this case the filter media is composed of several layers of metal mesh which act as a separator for greasy vapors or particularly coarse particles